

Sydney Cake Delivery

Gabriela Oporto, founder of and baker at Bakealicious By Gabriela

β€œBeat the egg whites and sugar until light and fluffy,” were the words Mum used to say to me when I was just six years old. β€œBut nothing happens, Mum,” I replied, as again I’d managed to create a flat, dense liquid.

By the time I was 12, I was having more success in the kitchen of our small family farm in the south of Chile. One of my fondest food memories is Mum cooking for 20 to 30 people, me still trying to help out with dessert and β€œQuichito”, my grandmother, in another corner of the kitchen getting the pre-dinner drinks and nibbles ready. It was all about food and sharing at these family gatherings at home every Sunday. Oh, and how I miss them!

I was born in Australia, but my Chilean parents missed their homeland so much that we’d moved back and forth a couple of times. After I finished high school in Australia, I went to Italy for two years to study Economics and Management – but I realised my passion was still food and baking. So I moved back to Australia and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Food.

To me, cooking is about preparing a meal with your heart and soul and sharing it with your loved ones. This love for food reflects the passion, gratefulness and commitment to those you care about when you serve them a dish. This is the motto I live by.

I’ve had a sweet tooth since I was little and every time I walked past a bakery or cake shop I’d have to stop and stare for a few minutes. Also, whenever someone in my family or a friend had a celebration, I’d always make the cake, which I loved doing!

It’s always been my desire to have a bakery/cafΓ© where I could create amazing sweet treats to share with everyone. I strongly believe in homemade products made with minimal equipment. Baking makes me happy and keeps me smiling every day.

I strive to bake and create amazing cake flavours delivered to all suburbs around Sydney. I am also very aware about the Food Waste issue we have here in Australia and make a big effort to plan accordingly so that nothing is wasted. If there are any left overs I make sure good use goes to them.

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