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Inspirational People

I'd like to mention the many people who’ve made my food journey so unbelievable. They’ve helped, inspired, taught and believed in me. I also think this is the most important part of everyone’s journey: the connections you make and the experiences you have.

I need to start with Mutti and Daddy, Caurex (my dear brother), Lisa, Fabio, Pietro, Amiguita Querida, my grandparents, uncles, aunties, cousins and, of course, my dearest friends, many of whom have passed great recipes and knowledge on to me.

Julie Ballard – Chef, Stylist, Food Prep: For getting me into the food industry. Having done work experience with her taught me oh-so much.

Syd Pemberton – Pemberton’s Food Workshop and Caterer: For sharing all her many experiences in catering and food – for teaching me and adopting me as one of her close helpers. Syd currently paint some beautiful acrylic pieces.

Anna Phillips – Food Consultant and Stylist: Always thinking of me and encouraging my knowledge of food. To view Anna's amazing work and to contact here, check her website out: https://www.ontheplate.com.au/

Advanced Fresh Concepts Pty Ltd team (Sushi Izu): Luisa, Damien, Susan, Violetta, Vijay, Aerine, Marcela, Nikki and Tomomi for pushing me to follow my dream and helping me with the initial concept, name, branding, etc. We had many laughs together! Visit Sushi Izu's page: https://www.sushiizu.com.au/

Craig Goodare – Chef, Recipe/Product Developer: A boss who always gave me great ideas and advice when I needed it.       

Amanda Lennon - Chef and Food Editor: Her thriving personality pushed me to learn and achieve my recipe development skills and writing. I also gained much knowledge about the food magazine industry and how it works. 

Angela Bresnahan – Chef, Food Preparation Freelancer: Quite strict when working by her side but always in good spirits. "It’s for your best," she used to say. I learned a lot about cooking for photography from her.

Marie Seifert – Strategy Consultant: Another boss who always highlighted my abilities. She never doubted me and just generally complimented my food skills.

Kimberly Omodei - Owner The Light Bar Co.: This amazing woman has been constantly by my side in the initial stages of my cake shop and has not stopped since. Her support, advice and help have made everything so much easier for me. You are my rockstar.         

Julie Wilson – Owner of Figmint Catering: A great entrepreneur and teacher who was always sharing her abilities and experiences with me. To view Julie's fabulous catering this is her website: http://figmintcatering.com.au/

Zio Lino – Chef, Business Owner in Italy: An Italian chef who taught me much about the great delicatessen they used to have in Turin. Not only that, he also shared some of his many secret recipes with me.

Louise Patniotis – Food Editor at Bauer Food Studio: She’s known as a great baker, a passion we share. She taught me many tips and tricks when it comes to sweets.

Raoulf and Lim - Entrepreneurs: Ever since we met while I was chefing at St. Malo Bakery at Crows Nest, they have encouraged my cooking and complimented my skills and cakes.

Sally Paine – Deputy Editor Coles Magazine: For sharing her experiences and reminding me that the beginning is never easy but we always get there in the end.

Lyn Justice – Cookbook Editor:She grew the food writing passion and creativity in me and always complimented my cooking and abilities.

Gill Chalmers – Magazine Editor: For thinking of me when it comes to anything foodie related and encouraging me to do what I like doing, which is cooking.

All Sorts Gym team: Irene, Sonja, Carlie, Garth, Brendan and Izzy for always believing in me.

Jimena Flórez -CEO & Founder at Chaak: An inspiration to me. The phrase, "You won’t be able to achieve that," doesn’t exit in her vocabulary. She gave me great advice and business knowledge.

Rohan Jones – Pastry Chef: A great pastry chef who always shared his recipes and tricks with me. He taught me several skills in baking and cake decorating.

Rod Bruem – Editor Time to Roam Magazine: For giving me the opportunity to expand my food writing knowledge and teaching me skills and strengths in the magazine industry.

Gena Kparf – Chef, Business Owner: For sharing her insights, experience and knowledge with me.

Nada and Tony Stuart - Entrepreneurs: For always finding ways to help me and make my dream come true, and for sharing their many experiences in the food industry – and for coming up with a great concept based on my ideas, cakes and logo. Nada makes some amazing food! To find out more please visit: https://www.made-it.com.au/

Timur Celik – Chef and Owner of Rustic Pearl: For sharing his advice as a business owner. Visit: https://www.facebook.com/rusticpearlcafe/

Aydin Kumral – Café Owner: For giving me insights as to what it is to have a café and sharing with me all their business knowledge. 

Maria Luisa Noda – Marketing and PR Consultant: For always sharing her marketing expertise with me.

Bradley John Sam - My love/Ex Restaurateur: For holding my hand in the initial stages of opening my first ever cake shop and for always sharing his experience and knowledge with me. Couldn't have done it without you. He now sells firewood for pizza ovens in restaurants and/or households. This is his website: https://www.firewoodandco.com.au/

Sascha Kraemer – European Wedding Photographer: For teaching me so much about photography and helping me with the website and images. Vielen Dank!